Finding the Words to Say: Hidden State Visualizations for Language Models
By visualizing the hidden state between a model's layers, we can get some clues as to the model's "thought process".
Part 2: Continuing the pursuit of making Transformer language models more transparent, this article showcases a collection of visualizations to uncover mechanics of language generation inside a pre-trained language model. These visualizations are all created using Ecco, the open-source package we're releasing
In the first part of this series, Interfaces for Explaining Transformer Language Models, we showcased interactive interfaces for input saliency and neuron activations. In this article, we will focus on the hidden state as it evolves from model layer to the next. By looking at the hidden states produced by every transformer decoder block, we aim to gleam information about how a language model arrived at a specific output token. This method is explored by Voita et al.. Nostalgebraist presents compelling visual treatments showcasing the evolution of token rankings, logit scores, and softmax probabilities for the evolving hidden state through the various layers of the model.
Recap: Transformer Hidden States
The following figure recaps how a transformer language model works. How the layers result in a final hidden state. And how that final state is then projected to the output vocabulary which results in a score assigned to each token in the model's vocabulary. We can see here the top scoring tokens when DistilGPT2 is fed the input sequence " 1, 1, ":
Ecco provides a view of the model's top scoring tokens and their probability scores. Which would show the following breakdown of candidate output tokens and their probability scores:Scores after each layer
Applying the same projection to internal hidden states of the model gives us a view of how the model's conviction for the output scoring developed over the processing of the inputs. This projection of internal hidden states gives us a sense of which layer contributed the most to elevating the scores (and hence ranking) of a certain potential output token.
Viewing the evolution of the hidden states means that instead of looking only at the candidates output tokens from projecting the final model state, we can look at the top scoring tokens after projecting the hidden state resulting from each of the model's six layers.
This visualization is created using the same method above with omitting the 'layer' argument (which we set to the final layer in the previous example, layer #5): Resulting in: You can experiment with these visualizations and experiment with them on your own input sentences at the following colab link:Evolution of the selected token
Another visual perspective on the evolving hidden states is to re-examine the hidden states after selecting an output token to see how the hidden state after each layer ranked that token. This is one of the many perspectives explored by Nostalgebraist and the one we think is a great first approach. In the figure on the side, we can see the ranking (out of +50,0000 tokens in the model's vocabulary) of the token ' 1' where each row indicates a layer's output.
The same visualization can then be plotted for an entire generated sequence, where each column indicates a generation step (and its output token), and each row the ranking of the output token at each layer:
Let us demonstrate this visualization by presenting the following input to GPT2-Large:
Visualizaing the evolution of the hidden states sheds light on how various layers contribute to generating this sequence as we can see in the following figure:
Rankings of Other Tokens
We are not limited to watching the evolution of only one (the selected) token for a specific position. There are cases where we want to compare the rankings of multiple tokens in the same position regardless if the model selected them or not.
One such case is the number prediction task described by Linzen et al. which arises from the English language phenomenon of subject-verb agreement. In that task, we want to analyze the model's capacity to encode syntactic number (whether the subject we're addressing is singular or plural) and syntactic subjecthood (which subject in the sentence we're addressing).
Put simply, fill-in the blank. The only acceptable answers are 1) is 2) are:
The keys to the cabinet ______
To answer correctly, one has to first determine whether we're describing the keys (possible subject #1) or the cabinet (possible subject #2). Having decided it is the keys, the second determination would be whether it is singular or plural.
Contrast your answer for the first question with the following variation:
The key to the cabinets ______
The figures in this section visualize the hidden-state evolution of the tokens " is" and " are". The numbers in the cells are their ranking in the position of the blank (Both columns address the same position in the sequence, they're not subsequent positions as was the case in the previous visualization).
The first figure (showing the rankings for the sequence "The keys to the cabinet") raises the question of why do five layers fail the task and only the final layer sets the record straight. This is likely a similar effect to that observed in BERT of the final layer being the most task-specific. It is also worth investigating whether that capability of succeeding at the task is predominantly localized in Layer 5, or if the Layer is only the final expression in a circuit spanning multiple layers which is especially sensitive to subject-verb agreement.
Probing for bias
This method can shed light on questions of bias and where they might emerge in a model. The following figures, for example, probe for the model's gender expectation associated with different professions:
More systemaic and nuanced examination of bias in contextualized word embeddings (another term for the vectors we've been referring to as "hidden states") can be found in .
Your turn!
You can proceed to do your own experiments using Ecco and the three notebooks in this article: You can report issues you run into at the Ecco's Github page. Feel free to share any interesting findings at the Ecco Discussion board. I invite you again to read Interpreting GPT the Logit Lens and see the various ways the author examines such a visualization. I leave you with a small gallery of examples showcasing the responses of different models to different input prompts.Gallery
This article was vastly improved thanks to feedback on earlier drafts provided by Abdullah Almaatouq, Anfal Alatawi, Fahd Alhazmi, Hadeel Al-Negheimish, Isabelle Augenstein, Jasmijn Bastings, Najwa Alghamdi, Pepa Atanasova, and Sebastian Gehrmann.
Alammar, J. (2021). Finding the Words to Say: Hidden State Visualizations for Language Models [Blog post]. Retrieved from
title={Finding the Words to Say: Hidden State Visualizations for Language Models},
author={Alammar, J},